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Category: Pastries (page 2 of 2)


Nagasaki Castella Cake Kasutera

長崎カステラ (Nagasaki Castella)

Pack of 10 Slices of Japanese Kasutera or Castella

For Your Happy Tea Time ~

Keifuudou 慶風堂 (けいふうどう)

Found more Japanese Castella in the refrigerated section of the Korean grocery store HK Super on Western Avenue in Los Angeles.  10 cake slices in one rectangular pack. Retail price: $4.99.

Nagasaki is the city most famous for kasutera, because that is where the Japanese learned to make castella cake from the Portuguese in the 16th century!

Nope, didn’t make a purchase… because I know if I do I’ll eat all 10 slices in one sitting.

Keifuudou Kasutera Cake Slices

慶風堂 (けいふうどう) カステラ

 Picture of Keifuudo Japanese Kasutera

Japanese Label of Keifuudo Brand of Kasutera

Keifuudou Castella

“Baked Wheat Cake” 


To my great delight, my eyes spotted this in the refrigerated section of HK Super. The English translation of the label on the back says it’s “Baked Wheat Cake.” Huh? It’s KASUTERA — Castella cake! Six slices for $3.99. The wrapper in the picture looks like that because I tore it open to get at those six slices. Next time, I’ll take a picture before stuffing my face.

The Japanese label declares it a 洋菓子 (ようがし) or yōgashi, a Western-style sweet goodie, as opposed to 和菓子 or wagashi, a Japanese sweet thing.  Castella is the Iberian sponge cake introduced by the Portuguese to Nagasaki in the 16th century.

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